Physics Sessions Initiative
5 June, 17:00 - 12 June, 10:00 -- Pensinsula Resort & Spa, Agia Pelagia, Crete, Greece

The PSI meetings will be structured in a minimalist fashion. Approximately twenty-five of us will meet for a week to discuss a set of five questions. Each topic of discussion will be led by one of the participants, who will also provide a selection of relevant papers in advance for people to study. These sessions will not revolve around the speaker’s latest work but will be focused on future ideas for a current problem.
In preparation for the workshop, participants must:
* Suggest topics for discussion.
* Read the assigned literature.
* Be present & actively participate the whole week.
Diego Hofman (University of Amsterdam) & Dionysios Anninos (King's College London) & Ben Freivogel (University of Amsterdam)
Agia Pelagia 71500, Peninsula Hotel, Iraklio 715 00, Greece
Dionysios Anninos, King's College London
Tarek Anous, University of Amsterdam
Chris Beem, Oxford University
Alexander Belin, CERN
Agnese Bissi, Uppsala University
Jan de Boer, University of Amsterdam
Luca Delacretaz, University of Chicago
Frederik Denef, Columbia University
Sergei Dubovsky, NYU
Roberto Emparan, University of Barcelona
Ben Freivogel, University of Amsterdam
Damian Galante, King's College London
Umut Gursoy, Utrecht University
Tom Hartman, Cornell University
Sean Hartnoll, Stanford University
Diego Hofman, University of Amsterdam
Nabil Iqbal, Durham University
Matthew Kleban, NYU
Elias Kiritsis, University of Crete
Manuela Kulaxizi, Trinity College Dublin
Raghu Mahajan, Stanford University
Miguel Montero, Harvard Unversity
Vassilis Niarchos, University of Crete
Natalie Paquette, IAS
Geoff Penington, Berkeley
Eric Perlmutter, Saclay
Chris Rosen, University of Crete
Edgar Shaghoulian, UPenn
Irene Valenzuela, Harvard University
Stathis Vitouladitis, University of Amsterdam
Alberto Zaffaroni, INFN Milan Bicocca
Monday: Black holes and gravitation -- Emparan, Zaffaroni / Pennington, Hartnoll
Tuesday: The Landscape and the Swampland (Valenzuela, Bissi / Kleban)
Wednesday: The S-Matrix (Dubovsky, Paquette) / Hydro (Delactretaz, Gursoy)
Thursday: Generalized Symmetries and extended objects (Iqbal, Montero)
Friday: Averaging and Disorder in Quantum Gravity (Mahajan, Perlmutter / Hartman, Shaghoulian)
Saturday: Modern Holography (Galante, de Boer)
Saturday: Closing Session (Anous, Belin)